HOP - History of People Exchange of good practice no. 1
Project HOP - History of People, Project Reference: CREA-CULT-2022-COOP 101098484 under the Creative Europe Programme (CREA) meets the Specific objectives of call CREA-CULT-2022-COOP, topic CREA-CULT-2022-COOP-1.
In the period from April 19th to April 21st, as part of the EU project HOP - History of people, representatives of the Red History Museum participated in the first mobility as part of the European project History of People (#HOP) in Bulgaria, where we were hosted by the association Development of Social Capital. With our partners from Italy, Macedonia, and Bulgaria, we went through examples of good practices, local museums: House Museum of Philip Totyu in Dve Mogili, Ruse Historical museum, House Museum Baba Tonka, Zahari Stoyanov Museum and other historical and natural sights, and considered options on how best to present history in a creative and interesting way.
Thanks to our partners for a pleasant experience and trip.
Association "Social Capital Development"
Associazione Culturale Eutopia
Scientia Nova Association
-- Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EACEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
